How I Write About Movies
I needed a picture to put here, so here’s Twin Peaks.
I know that this site is just getting started, but I figured I should talk about what my writing process is like. I’m not entirely sure how long this post is going to be, but I think this is not only going to be an important marker to the reader (criteria and all that) but it’ll also be important to me as a writer. I’m always trying to improve on Flash Frames, especially when it comes to the actual content. I’m always trying to whittle down just what makes me tick as a writer, so maybe this could be why some of my reviews are just… not good. No other way to say it, I have my off days. That’s why this is going to be the featured post, the first thing you’ll see when you go to the home page. Let’s get into it.
I know that this is stating the obvious, but you’re here to read my thoughts on different movies, shows, all that stuff. A lot of the reviews on here are for newer releases, but I have to keep my creative juices flowing. You’re not just here to see an opinion and a letter grade, even though I provide both. You’re here to read why I think a movie is good, bad, or somewhere in between. For me, the answer is so plain that it physically hurts to type: Have an opinion and explain it. Sometimes, that opinion can take a few days or a week to be able to form into words. Nickel Boys is a recent example of this, where the art form of film can rise above words, even if it’s temporarily the case. That “EUREKA!” moment is when I feel like I can write at my best. Something clicks, and it’s off to the races. It could literally be anything that has to do with the movie. Where I watched it, how I watched it, who I’m watching it with, if I was doing anything while watching it, literally anything. I feel like I’ve done well if I can explain, as an example, why I feel that Nosferatu was a disappointment.
I suppose that’s a good segway into the next section: what’s on my mind when watching a movie? There are many different types of film critics out there, whether they’re in writing or on YouTube. There’s a great video by JangoDisc about the different types of film critics that I’m using as a point of reference, which I’ll link here. At this point in time, I want to be in my own lane as a critic. I’ve tried other things in the past like YouTube videos, but I think writing is going to be the “be all, end all” for me. I’ve felt really comfortable voicing my opinions, even the ones that I’m in the complete minority on. For example, I just gave Heart Eyes, a movie that has an 80% on Rotten Tomatoes, a “D+.” Not saying that it’s gonna be big in the grand scheme of things, but I just have my own takes that I want to share with the world. At the end of the day, I just want a good movie. That doesn’t mean I don’t have any preferences or a taste in movies, sure, but I feel that you have to start at zero when watching a movie. I’m all for being excited for a movie, but I’ve started to train myself to bring myself back to Earth when I’m getting ready to begin. I’m not perfect, though. Superman is coming out this year and I can barely hold back how hyped I am for that one.
Okay, I got off track: what’s on my mind when watching a movie? Personally, it’s the story/script. For me, that’s the easiest way I can connect with a movie. Last year alone, there were a lot of incredible scripts: The Substance, Challengers, A Different Man, Dune: Part Two, and The People’s Joker, just to name a few of my personal favorites. A movie can have beautiful direction, technical aspects, standout performances, but an uneven script can not only hold down a movie (looking at you, Longlegs) but can completely collapse an otherwise good movie, or even waste a good idea (see The Fall Guy). Sure, one aspect like a good performance can outweigh the bad parts, but that entirely depends on the script for me.
That’s really all of the thoughts I have on it. The main takeaway is that these are my takes on movies, shows, and all that jazz, but you’re also more than welcome to get mad at me for how I feel about different things. I love having the opportunity to see a different angle at something like movies, so don’t mince words. Welcome to the page, and have fun reading.
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