
Showing posts from June, 2024

In a Violent Nature – REVIEW

It’s always nice to see something new emerge in a genre of movies that’s really done the same thing for a while. Sure, we like the same things in a movie once in a while, but I personally like a new, ambitious swing in a genre that’s had a proven formula for a long time. We all know about slashers at this point, especially the iconic ones. Halloween , A Nightmare on Elm Stree t, Scream , The Texas Chain Saw Massacre … they’re all etched into horror history. For this movie I’m talking about here, though, it’s mainly a riff on Friday the 13th and its icon, Jason Voorhees. In a Violent Nigh t is a new “ambient slasher,” as described by writer-director Chris Nash. What does that mean? I’ll get into that in the next paragraph, but just the premise alone just made me so excited for this. A group of teenagers are having fun out in the wilderness, specifically in Ontario for this movie. I usually don’t spoil things and that won’t change here, but they unwittingly unleash an undead killer name...